
4月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

BR-2 Backstage Pass

   You are a fan of the Martians. The Martians are the most famous band in the world. Their lead singer, Hugo King, is a great musician. (p.1)  I think that after becoming famous person happens a lot of things. The person may earn much money and be able to live in a large house. It may be happy. However, I don't want to become that because I am satisfied with my lifestyle now. Lesley, Ito. (2014). Backstage Pass. Florida, Tokyo: America, Japan.

BR-1 The Ooze

  You are a college student. You live alone in your apartment near the college. Most days you wake up, walk to class, and then,return to home. You study a little, you party a little. You sleep a lot.(p.1) The main character is a green monster and it was strange. It ates anything. For example, fish, corn, dog and human. If it exists in a real world, I must be scared every day. This book is in the Atamaii- Books series. The books in this series are interesting. So I want to recommend it. Maclauchlan, Kyle (2015). The Ooze. Florida and Tokyo:America and Japan.

Spring vacation's memory

 In spring vacation, I did part-time job several days. I did it at a super market near college. It's hard a little, but fun. And I went back to my home town to meet my friends. They joined same club when we were junior  high school students. We went to Aso city by car. My friend drove it. She isn't good at driving, so going for a drive was very scared. And then, we ate Akaushi don there. It was very delicious. We'll meet on Golden Week again. We're planning what to do, so I'm looking forward to doing it!