BR-6 Immortal Empire

 You are a god. At the beginning of time, you watch as the first people appear. They learn to walk on two legs, hunt other animals, make fire, and grow food. Their lives are so short, you think. Why do they die so easily? You wish that you could make them immortal like you.(p.1)

 I was surprised to god that they had some special powers. I think if they are here in our real life, they can solve a lot of problems aroung the world. And then, all of people are able to live more happily.

This book is in the Atama-ii Books series. It has nice illustrations, and it make me so fantastic. I want to read other books of the series.
「atama-ii books immortal empire」の画像検索結果

Benevides, Marcos.(2015). Immortal Empire. USA.



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