
12月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

BR-18 The Woman in Black

My name is Arthur Kipps. when I was a young man, I worked in London. I was a solicitor. I worked for the same company all my life. Fourteen years ago, I bought this house called Monk's Piece. I live here with my dear wife, Esme'. Esme's first husband had died. She was a widow when I married her. I became the father of her four young children. Our years at Monk's Piece have been happy ones. (p.5) His story which he experienced is very horrible. He experienced to see a hollow woman and listen to the screams of children on the land where he visited to work. I hate scary stories because I sometimes feel ghosts and hear strange sounds. Hill, Susan. (1983). The Woman in Black. Heinemann English Language Teaching. Oxford: UK

BR-17 The Happy Prince and The Nightingale and the Rose

High above the city, on a tall column, stands the state of the Happy Prince. He is covered all over with thin leaves of gold, for eyes he has two bright sapphires, and there is a large red ruby on his sword. (p.11) There are two stories in the same book. The former is the story of a prince with ego dedicated to those who struggle with a nephew, and the latter is the love story of Nightingale. The rose that appeared in the latter story symbolized insatiableness. I suggest these stories to my friends. Wilde, Oscar. (2007). The Happy Prince and The Nightingale and the Rose. Helbling Laguages.