BR A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

 Hank Morgan works in a machine factory in Connecticut USA. The year is 1879. " Come quickly, Boss! Two men are fighting. " "OK, men. Go back to work. " Hank opens his eyes. He is in sixth century England. " Sir, put your hands up! " " Who are you? " " I must call the police. " (p.1)


The main character, Hank is a happy young man in Connecticut, USA in 1879 until one day someone runs into his office and shouts. After that, something very strange happens to him, and his life changes forever. I haven't read the story and it is a little difficult for me.

This book is in Oxford Bookworms Starters series. The constitution of this book is manga. But the book is difficult for me. So if someone wants to read it, I think it's hard to understand.

Twain, Mark. (2001). A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Oxford : UK.



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