BR Money for a Motorbike

It was the month of June and the weather was beautiful. Stuart left school. He was on holiday. But he was not happy. He did not have a motorbike. Stuart was seventeen years old. He left for school, but he did not start work.(p.3)


Stuart has wanted a motorbike but he didn't have money enough to buy it. but after all, he got it.Because he rob of money from Frank's house. I was surprised at the action and plan of Stuart. It is crime. So I think he has really really wanted to get it. If I want to get something, I can't do like him.

 This book is Macmillan Readers series. The illustrates of this series are so cool. And I learned alot from kind of books. I want to recommend the book.

 Milne, John.(1976). Money for a Motorbike. Oxford:UK



Last weekend's memory

What Was It Like?

BR-5 Anna and the Fighter